Efter adskillige måneder i den for mig dybt frustrerende “uvishedens sky” har jeg endelig fået at vide, at per første august (!) er udnævnt til midlertidig konstitueret sognepræst i Maribo og Nakskov. Alt afhængig af udviklingen i den præstelige situation i bispedømmet kan det dog meget vel ske, at jeg skal flytte til et andet sogn om to til tre måneder. Indtil videre bliver jeg formelt set boende i København, selvom jeg givetvis vil bo en stor del af tiden i præstegården Maribo
Jeg er er meget taknemmelig over at min situation pt. er noget mere afklaret. Det har været en rigtig hård tid for mig. Jeg kommer til at savne de mange vidunderlige og dygtige mennesker, som jeg har fået lov til at arbejdet for og med i DUK. Men jeg ser rigtigt meget frem til at arbejde for og sammen med de mange gode mennesker, der givetvis er på Lolland.
Jeg vil gerne invitere alle til at komme og besøge mig. Der er gode overnatningsmuligheder. Og hvis man er mere kontemplativ (og luksuriøs) anlagt og sætter pris på smukke omgivelser, så kan man jo bo hos birgittinerinderne i byen.
------ o ------
After months in the rather frustrating “cloud of unknowing”, I have finally been told that I am to work as a temporary parish priest in Maribo and Nakskov. However, in two to three months I may be moved to another parish depending on the developments in the pastoral situation in our diocese. For the time being I will still be living in my apartment in Copenhagen even though I will be staying a great deal of my time in the rectory in Maribo.
I am very grateful because I now a little more about what is about to happen in the near future. It has been a very difficult time for me. I am going to miss working with and for the many wonderful and competent young people in the Catholic children and youth movement. However, I do also look very much forward to working for and together with the many good people on the island of Lolland, where you find the cosy towns of Maribo and Nakskov.
I would like to welcome you to come and visit me. There is plenty of room. And if you want to stay in more contemplative and beautiful surroundings, the Brigittines have a newly build convent in Maribo.
fredag den 30. juli 2010
onsdag den 28. juli 2010
Et og samme glædelige budskab
Kilden til kærlighed
Uden kærlighed til vore forældre, søstre, brødre, ægtefæller, kærester og venner kan vi ikke leve. Uden kærlighed dør vi.
Og dog viser denne kærlighed sig for mange mennesker på en brudt og begrænset måde. Den kan være befængt med magtspil, jalousi, krænkelse, hævntørst og endda misbrug. Ingen menneskelig kærlighed er den fuldkomne kærlighed, som vi længes efter, og til tider er menneskelig kærlighed så ufuldkommen, at vi dårligt kan få øje på, at det er kærlighed.
For ikke at gå til grunde af alle de sår, der er opstået af denne ufuldkomne kærlighed, så må vi stole på, at kilden til al kærlighed er Guds ubegrænsede, betingelsesløse, fuldkomne kærlighed, og at den kærlighed ikke er langt fra os, men dvæler inden i os som en Guds gave fra Guds Ånd.
Henri Nouwen.
Og dog viser denne kærlighed sig for mange mennesker på en brudt og begrænset måde. Den kan være befængt med magtspil, jalousi, krænkelse, hævntørst og endda misbrug. Ingen menneskelig kærlighed er den fuldkomne kærlighed, som vi længes efter, og til tider er menneskelig kærlighed så ufuldkommen, at vi dårligt kan få øje på, at det er kærlighed.
For ikke at gå til grunde af alle de sår, der er opstået af denne ufuldkomne kærlighed, så må vi stole på, at kilden til al kærlighed er Guds ubegrænsede, betingelsesløse, fuldkomne kærlighed, og at den kærlighed ikke er langt fra os, men dvæler inden i os som en Guds gave fra Guds Ånd.
Henri Nouwen.
søndag den 13. juni 2010
Mens jeg venter...
Mens venter på et svar angående mit fremtidige virke...
Jeg elsker at være katolsk præst. Jeg elsker min katolske tro. Og jeg elsker at forkynde det gladeste budskab. Mit største ønske for min præstegerning er, at jeg må være der, hvor der er det største behov for præster, hvor jeg som præst kan nå flest muligt, og hvor mine evner kan bedst udnyttes.
I Danmark er der under 500 katolikker per præst. Alle har adgang til at høre Guds ord forkyndt indenfor en halv times afstand. Tilsvarende har alle adgang til de tegn på Guds store kærlighed, som sakramenterne er.
Men sådan forholder det sig slet ikke alle steder i verden. Rigtigt mange steder i verden er der så få præster, og kirkerne ligger så langt fra hinanden, at folk rent fysisk simpelt ikke har adgang til forkyndelsen af det gode budskab og til sakramenterne på regelmæssig basis.
Kirkens øverste myndighed har heldigvis i Moto Proprio Ecclesiæ Sanctæ (1966) og igennem lovene for Kirken (canon 271) heldigvis forsøgt at afhjælpe denne nød ved at åbne mulighed for, endda opmuntre til, og garantere rent juridisk, at præster kan flytte til områder i verden, hvor der er stor mangel på præster.
Igennem mange år har jeg følt mig kaldet til dette. Jeg kommer ud af en missionsfamilie. Min onkel og tante var i mange år missionærer i Tanzania. Min fætter har været missionær i Den centralafrikanske Republik. Og min kusine er pt. Missionærer i Jos i Nigeria.
Jeg har derfor kontaktet en række bispedømmer rundt i verden, hvor jeg ved, at de er få præster i forholdet til antallet af katolikker og i forhold til afstandene. Og jeg har sagt ja til en invitation til at besøge et par af dem.
Om det er det, Gud vil med mig i en kortere eller længere årrække, må Han mig vise. Under alle omstændigheder er jeg som præst bundet af mit lydighedsløfte til biskoppen og til Kirken.
Men hvad enten det er Moto Proprio Ecclesiæ Sanctæ eller min stedlige biskop, der i mit tilfælde får det afgørende ord, så håber og beder jeg til, at mit fremtidige virke må være båret af en klar vision.
En klar vision for, hvordan til gavn for flest muligt mine ringe evner bedst muligt kan udnyttes.
En klar vision for, hvor jeg geografisk bedst kan virke, og indenfor i hvilke sprogmæssige, aldersmæssige og etniske områder jeg bedst kan virke, så at jeg ved Guds hjælp kan nå flest muligt med det mest fantastiske budskab, som ingen kan leve foruden.
Må Gud lade det ske.
PS: Nogle vil måske indvende, at der også er præstemangel i Danmark. Min opfattelse er, at den præstemangel, der måtte føles at være i Danmark, i højere grad er af strukturel art end af reel art. Hvis man lukkede halvdelen af sognene i HT-området, ville katolikker i al almindelighed geografisk set i det store hele have den samme adgang til ordets forkyndelse og til sakramenterne, som de havde før omstruktureringen, og man ville tilmed have rigeligt med præster at disponere over.
onsdag den 19. maj 2010
Vi bekender...
I en prædiken til 3000 mennesker - deriblandt mange, der selv havde været udsat for overgreb - i Sankt Stephans katedralen i Wien den 31/3, 2010, sagde Kardinal Christoph Schönborn ifølge The Tablet ( 10/4, 2010) i engelsk oversættelse følgende:
”We confess that some of us exploited the trust of children and destroyed it…
“We confess that some of us are guilty of causing the inner death of others…
“We confess that some of us are guilty of sexual violence …
“We confess that some of us stole the childhood of boys and girls and robbed them of the ability to successfully experience relationships…
“We confess that we covered (things) up and gave false witness…
“We confess that some of us the semblance of the Church’s impeccability mattered more than anything else…
“Words spoken in a sermon could not only embarrassing but could hurt. Silence is what is called for. But not the silence that occurred only too often, namely the silence of hushing up, of silencing others, the silence of not being able to speak. It should be the silence of Job’s friends who fell silent when they saw how greatly he was suffering and just sat silently beside him.”
And turning to the victims, Schönborn said: “Thank you for breaking your silence.”
The cardinal then admitted that recently he had often felt that the Church was being treated unjustly. “Why above all is the Church being put in the pillory? Isn’t there abuse elsewhere as well? Is that not being investigated or come to terms with? And then I have sorely been tempted to say, ‘Yes. Media don’t like the Church. Perhaps there is even a conspiracy against it?’ But I feel in my heart – no, that isn’t it. And even if it is true, the mirror that is being held up to us shows us something that makes abuse in the Church particularly serious. It defiles God’s Holy Name.” …
As long as the Church continued to look the other way and failed to listen it would stand in the way of a liberating and redeeming God, he continued. It must “get of its high horse” – which was without doubt a painful process – “but what is that pain compared to the victim’s pain which we overlooked and did not hear? When the victims speak out now, God is speaking to us, to his Church, in order to shake and purify it.”
”We confess that some of us exploited the trust of children and destroyed it…
“We confess that some of us are guilty of causing the inner death of others…
“We confess that some of us are guilty of sexual violence …
“We confess that some of us stole the childhood of boys and girls and robbed them of the ability to successfully experience relationships…
“We confess that we covered (things) up and gave false witness…
“We confess that some of us the semblance of the Church’s impeccability mattered more than anything else…
“Words spoken in a sermon could not only embarrassing but could hurt. Silence is what is called for. But not the silence that occurred only too often, namely the silence of hushing up, of silencing others, the silence of not being able to speak. It should be the silence of Job’s friends who fell silent when they saw how greatly he was suffering and just sat silently beside him.”
And turning to the victims, Schönborn said: “Thank you for breaking your silence.”
The cardinal then admitted that recently he had often felt that the Church was being treated unjustly. “Why above all is the Church being put in the pillory? Isn’t there abuse elsewhere as well? Is that not being investigated or come to terms with? And then I have sorely been tempted to say, ‘Yes. Media don’t like the Church. Perhaps there is even a conspiracy against it?’ But I feel in my heart – no, that isn’t it. And even if it is true, the mirror that is being held up to us shows us something that makes abuse in the Church particularly serious. It defiles God’s Holy Name.” …
As long as the Church continued to look the other way and failed to listen it would stand in the way of a liberating and redeeming God, he continued. It must “get of its high horse” – which was without doubt a painful process – “but what is that pain compared to the victim’s pain which we overlooked and did not hear? When the victims speak out now, God is speaking to us, to his Church, in order to shake and purify it.”
mandag den 10. maj 2010
Lys forenden af tunnelen
Fra en artikel, som jeg fandt i The Tablet (10 april), af Michael Sean Winters:
"Will it ever end? There is no doubt that the legal battles will continue to unearth documents that are depressing and scandalous. But, in Boston, which was the centre of the scandal in 2002, the situation for the Church has begun to turn around.
Cardinal Sean O'Malley, who took over the troubled archdiocese in 2003, sold his own house to help pay the court settlements. He met with hundreds of victims of clergy sex abuse.
In his public statements, he always begins with a renewed apology to the victims. O'Malley also meets regularly with the vast majority of priests who were not accused of misconduct, but whose corporate sense of shame led them to be embarrassed to walk down the street wearing their clerical collars.
“The priests have revived their excitement about their own vocations under his leadership,” says Mgr. Lorenzo Albacete, who often leads retreats for priests in Boston and elsewhere. Vocations are up. Donations to the annual archdiocesan appeal, a sure indicator of support from the people in the pews, have returned to their pre-crises levels.
There is light at the end of the tunnel, if other bishops follow O’Malley’s lead. But it is a long tunnel.”
"Will it ever end? There is no doubt that the legal battles will continue to unearth documents that are depressing and scandalous. But, in Boston, which was the centre of the scandal in 2002, the situation for the Church has begun to turn around.
Cardinal Sean O'Malley, who took over the troubled archdiocese in 2003, sold his own house to help pay the court settlements. He met with hundreds of victims of clergy sex abuse.
In his public statements, he always begins with a renewed apology to the victims. O'Malley also meets regularly with the vast majority of priests who were not accused of misconduct, but whose corporate sense of shame led them to be embarrassed to walk down the street wearing their clerical collars.
“The priests have revived their excitement about their own vocations under his leadership,” says Mgr. Lorenzo Albacete, who often leads retreats for priests in Boston and elsewhere. Vocations are up. Donations to the annual archdiocesan appeal, a sure indicator of support from the people in the pews, have returned to their pre-crises levels.
There is light at the end of the tunnel, if other bishops follow O’Malley’s lead. But it is a long tunnel.”
lørdag den 24. april 2010
O Catholic faith, how stable, how firm
I en tid, hvor der kan synes at blive blæst til storm mod Den katolske Kirke, kan de være godt at kigge tilbage på een af de mange perioder i Kirkens historie, hvor den blev blodigt forfulgt og dens religiøse og moralske autoritet totalt underminere og tvivlett. Franciskaneren, den hellige Fidelis, prædikede under reformationen mod den ny protestantiske lære i Svejts. Han blev dræbt som martyr for sin tro. Om ham og hans katolske tro sagde Pave Benedikt XIV senere:
“O Catholic faith, how stable, how firm you are, how well-rooted, how well-founded on a strong rock. Heaven and earth will pass away, but you can never perish. From the beginning the whole world has spoken against you, but you have triumphed mightily over all.
For this is the victory which overcomes the world, our faith; this is what has brought the most powerful kings under Christ’s rule and made peoples the servants of Christ.
What was it that made the holy apostles and martyrs undergo fierce struggles and terrible agonies, if not faith and above all faith in the resurrection?
What was it that has made hermits spurn pleasure, honour and wealth, and live a celibate life in solitude, if not living faith?
What is it that in these days causes true Christians to turn aside from what is easy and pleasant and undergo hardship and labour?
Living faith working through love – this is what leads men to put aside the goods of the present in the hope of those of the future, and to look to the future rather than to the present.”
“O Catholic faith, how stable, how firm you are, how well-rooted, how well-founded on a strong rock. Heaven and earth will pass away, but you can never perish. From the beginning the whole world has spoken against you, but you have triumphed mightily over all.
For this is the victory which overcomes the world, our faith; this is what has brought the most powerful kings under Christ’s rule and made peoples the servants of Christ.
What was it that made the holy apostles and martyrs undergo fierce struggles and terrible agonies, if not faith and above all faith in the resurrection?
What was it that has made hermits spurn pleasure, honour and wealth, and live a celibate life in solitude, if not living faith?
What is it that in these days causes true Christians to turn aside from what is easy and pleasant and undergo hardship and labour?
Living faith working through love – this is what leads men to put aside the goods of the present in the hope of those of the future, and to look to the future rather than to the present.”
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